Safety EMC RF Int'l Access Energy
Safety EMC RF International Access Energy Efficiency
International Access
Malaysia ST Release Letter, ST Type Approval
Certification Body
Surunanjaya Tenaga
ST Release Letter
ST Type Approval
ST Release Letter
Logo not available
ST Type Approval
Local Rep should purchase and affix label on certified product after customs inspection
Factory Inspection
No, SIRIM Factory Inspection is an option
Controlled Products
Basic Application Document
  1. CB Report
  2. Applicant Authorization Letter
  3. Circuit Diagram
  4. Layout
  5. BOM List
  6. English User’s Manual
  7. Product Label
  8. Coloured Photo
  9. Local Rep info including Company Name, Add, Contact, Tel & e-mail
Local Test
Local Representative
Certificate Validity
0.5 Year
1 Year
50 Hz
  1. Series model is acceptable, but model no. shouldn’t be variable. For numerous model numbers, a model no. list should be provided.
  2. In general, only adapters that IEC 60065 standards applies to could apply for ST Type Approval. Adapter that complies to IEC 60950-1 standards should apply for ST Release Letter unless adaptor can serve as power supply to audio and video products.

ST Release Letter is a kind of customs clearance document. The customs does not require testing inspection.
ST Type Approval: Factory Inspection is not necessary. Malaysian customs will conduct batch inspection, about 3~5% of the imported goods will be inspected, Inspection time is 2~3 weeks. This type of approval suits customers that imports small quantity goods. After certification, the local Rep should purchase and affix label on certified product after customs inspection. Remark:

  1. CB Report doesn’t need to remark Malaysia deviation. However, test report is subject to modification upon local reviewer’s advice.
  2. If the system’s external output power is a Class II /2 pin plug, evaluation in accordance to Malaysian standard is not necessary. If it’s a Class III/3 pin plug, evaluation in accordance to Malaysian standard is necessary.

SIRIM Factory Inspection: In the case that the customer applies for factory inspection upon ST Type Approval application. Manufacturer can consign local rep to purchase and affix the label during production. Goods need not undergo customs inspection at customs clearance. It takes two months to book for factory inspection.

ST Approval could be applied together with SIRIM factory inspection. However, ST Approvals should be obtained before obtaining SIRIM Product certification. ST Approval and SIRIM product certificate validity are both one year.